API | Description |
POST v1/User/AuthenticateUser |
This method authenticates a user using their email and password and returns details of the user if the authentication succeeds This is useful for Tradevine users to authenticate staff in their own applications |
GET v1/User |
This method gets all users granted access to this organisation |
API | Description |
POST v1/GoodsReceipt/{id}/Confirm |
Confirms a shipment |
API | Description |
POST v1/PackList/{id}/Confirm |
Confirms a shipment |
GET v1/PackList/{id} |
Retrieves a shipment |
POST v1/PackList/NotifyWarehouse?warehouseId={warehouseId}&warehouseCode={warehouseCode} |
Notify warehouse - this endpoint finds all 'Pending' packlists (shipments) associated with the given warehouse, changes their status to 'Awaiting-Pack', includes them in a CSV file and then emails this CSV file to the supplier associated with the warehouse. This is the same functionality as found on the Shipments screen in the wbe application when clicking the Notify Warehouse button. |
POST v1/PackList/{id}/Update |
Updates a shipment |
API | Description |
POST v1/Photo/{id} |
This method uploads a photo to be used for product listings. |
POST v1/Photo/SaveFromUrl?url={url} |
This method downloads a photo from a publically accessible URL and saves the image to the Tradevine account using the given photo-identifier (can be a file-name or any other name for the photo) |
These methods allow you to create, retrieve and update products.
API | Description |
GET v1/Product?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}&textExactMatch={textExactMatch}&code={code}&name={name}&alternateCode={alternateCode}&barcode={barcode}&isArchived={isArchived}&quantityInStockMin={quantityInStockMin}&quantityInStockMax={quantityInStockMax}&includeSupplierDetails={includeSupplierDetails}&label={label}&withoutLabel={withoutLabel} |
This method gets a paged list of top level product information, including summary inventory quantities. |
GET v1/Product/{id} |
This method gets an individual product specified by the supplied ID - the output consists of top level product information, including summary inventory quantities. |
POST v1/Product/{id} |
This method saves an individual product supplied - the output consists of top level updated product information, including summary inventory quantities. |
POST v1/Product/SaveBoMComponents/{id} |
This method saves a collection of component products against a particular product (turning it into a Bill of Materials or BoM product) - adding, updating or removing where appropriate. The parent product must not have any stock associated with it (as it will be turned into a non-inventory tracked product where the availability is calculated from the underlying stock levels of the children component products). |
POST v1/Product/SaveSupplierProducts/{id} |
This method saves a collection of product supplier records against a parituclar product - adding, updating or removing where appropriate |
API | Description |
GET v1/ProductInventory/GetProductsByWarehouse?warehouseCode={warehouseCode}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}&productCode={productCode} |
This method gets a paged list of top level products located in a particular warehouse - this is useful if you model your warehouse bins on Tradevine warehouses |
POST v1/ProductInventory/{id}/MakeAdjustment |
This allows you to increase or decrease Stock on Hand (SOH) quantities for a particular product with a specified type (e.g. stocktake, breakage, obsolete etc.) |
POST v1/ProductInventory/MakeAdjustment |
This allows you to increase or decrease Stock on Hand (SOH) quantities for a particular product with a specified type (e.g. stocktake, breakage, obsolete etc.) using the ProductCode on the body as the lookup (instead of needing the internal product ID in the URL) |
API | Description |
POST v1/PurchaseOrder/Autoreorder?linesPerOrder={linesPerOrder}&deleteSystemDraft={deleteSystemDraft}&deleteAllDraft={deleteAllDraft}&supplierID={supplierID}&labelID={labelID}&noSupplierOptions={noSupplierOptions} |
This method finds a list of all products whose stock-on-hand SOH has fallen below the reorder point (MinimumStockQuantity) and creates draft purchase orders grouped by supplier. The user can then inspect each order and confirms if correct. Products without a supplier will be grouped onto one PO at the end - the user can then supply the extra information needed (supplier/price) before confirming. |
POST v1/PurchaseOrder/{id}/Confirm |
This method confirms a purchase order in Draft status and takes it to Awaiting Receipt status. Also creates necessary pending goods receipts. |
GET v1/PurchaseOrder?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}&status={status}&createdFrom={createdFrom}&createdTo={createdTo}&modifiedFrom={modifiedFrom}&modifiedTo={modifiedTo}&orderNumber={orderNumber} |
This method gets a paged list of purchase orders including supplier, address and purchase order line data as well as goods receipts associated with each order |
GET v1/PurchaseOrder/{id} |
This method gets a purchase order including supplier, address and purchase order line data as well as goods-receipts associated with it |
POST v1/PurchaseOrder/{id} |
This method creates or updates a purchase order in Draft status |
API | Description |
POST v1/SalesOrder/{id}/Cancel |
This method cancels the order including any remaining shipments that have not been sent yet |
GET v1/SalesOrder?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}&status={status}&createdFrom={createdFrom}&createdTo={createdTo}&modifiedFrom={modifiedFrom}&modifiedTo={modifiedTo}&orderNumber={orderNumber}&completedFrom={completedFrom}&completedTo={completedTo}&shippingType={shippingType}&excludeShippingType={excludeShippingType} |
This method gets a paged list of sales orders including customer, address and sales order line data as well as shipments associated with each order |
GET v1/SalesOrder/{id} |
This method gets a sales order including customer, address and sales order line data as well as shipments associated with it |
POST v1/SalesOrder/{id}/MakeOrderEditable |
This method moves the sales order from Awaiting-Shipment back into Pending status (if possible), deleting any pack-lists in the process. This can only be done if nothing has been shipped yet (i.e. no completed pack-lists) |
POST v1/SalesOrder/{id} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET v1/SalesReturn?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}&status={status}&createdFrom={createdFrom}&createdTo={createdTo}&modifiedFrom={modifiedFrom}&modifiedTo={modifiedTo}&returnNumber={returnNumber} |
This method gets a paged list of sales returns including sales return line data |
GET v1/SalesReturn/{id} |
This method gets a sales return including sales return line data |
Eligible listings must use ShippingTemplateV2 to apply Shipping Templates to your listings. Learn more about the new Shipping Templates here:
API | Description |
POST v1/ShippingTemplate/DeleteShippingTemplate/{id} |
This method deletes an individual shipping template and its shipping template options |
GET v1/ShippingTemplate?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}&textExactMatch={textExactMatch}&name={name} |
This method gets a paged list of shipping templates. |
GET v1/ShippingTemplate/{id} |
This method gets a shipping template |
POST v1/ShippingTemplate/{id} |
This method saves an individual shipping template |
API | Description |
DELETE v2/ShippingTemplate/{shippingTemplateId} |
This method deletes an individual shipping template and its shipping template options |
GET v2/ShippingTemplate/Carriers/{carrierId}/Products |
Retrieves a list of Carrier Products from the provided Carrier id. |
GET v2/ShippingTemplate/Carriers |
Retrieves a list of valid Carriers to be used when creating a Shipping Template. |
GET v2/ShippingTemplate/Regions |
Retrieves a list of valid shipping regions to be used when creating a Shipping Template. |
GET v2/ShippingTemplate/{shippingTemplateId} |
Retrieves a Shipping Template from the provided Shipping Template id. |
GET v2/ShippingTemplate |
Retrieves a list of Shipping Templates for the current organisation. |
POST v2/ShippingTemplate |
This method creates a structured shipping template |
PUT v2/ShippingTemplate/{shippingTemplateId} |
This method updates a structured shipping template |
API | Description |
GET v1/ShopifyProduct?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}&shopifyDomainName={shopifyDomainName}&productCode={productCode}&handle={handle} |
This method gets a paged list of top level Shopify product information |
GET v1/ShopifyProduct/{id} |
This method gets an individual Shopify product specified by the supplied ID |
POST v1/ShopifyProduct/{id} |
This method saves an individual Shopify product |
Eligible listings must use Shipping Templates saved from ShippingTemplateV2 to apply Shipping Templates to your listings. Learn more about the new Shipping Templates here:
API | Description |
POST v1/TradeMeListingRule/DeleteRule/{id}?deleteAllVariants={deleteAllVariants} |
This method deletes an individual Trade Me listing rule. If the listing rule has live listings, this will fail. |
POST v1/TradeMeListingRule/DeleteVariantGroup?groupSku={groupSku} |
This method deletes or archives all products and listing rules associated with an MVL variant group |
GET v1/TradeMeListingRule?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}&textExactMatch={textExactMatch}&externalTradeMeOrganisationName={externalTradeMeOrganisationName}&productCode={productCode}&ruleName={ruleName}&modifiedDateFrom={modifiedDateFrom}&modifiedDateTo={modifiedDateTo}&hasListingFailure={hasListingFailure}&groupSKU={groupSKU}&isArchived={isArchived} |
This method gets a paged list of Trade Me listing rules. |
GET v1/TradeMeListingRule/{id} |
This method gets an individual Trade Me listing rule |
POST v1/TradeMeListingRule/{id} |
This method saves an individual Trade Me listing rule |
API | Description |
POST v1/Webhook/SampleWebhook |
This is for documentation purposes. |