POST v1/SalesOrder/{id}
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id | integer |
Optional |
Body Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
SalesOrderID |
The unique internal identifier of each sales order in Tradevine e.g. 34515829112475466365 |
integer |
OrganisationID |
The internal identifier of this organisation in Tradevine e.g. 3451460443781171981 |
integer |
CustomerID |
The unique internal identifier of each customer in Tradevine e.g. 34515829112467586585 |
integer |
OrderNumber |
The more user friendly identifier for the order (normally auto-generated using your auto-numbering settings) e.g. SO453 |
string |
OrderOrigin |
The origin lookup value |
integer |
CustomerOrderReference |
The reference that the buyer for this sales order will have i.e. for Trade Me orders this will be the purchase ID e.g. P54645, for Shopify orders it will be the order number #1001 |
string |
Status |
The order status lookup value |
integer |
IsCompletedWithCancellations |
Indicates if shipments were partially completed with no back-orders i.e. the full order quantity was not shipped |
boolean |
TradeMeOrganisationID |
The internal identifier of this Trade Me account in Tradevine if this order came from Trade Me e.g. 345146044378132553 |
integer |
ExternalListingID |
The Trade Me listing ID if this order came from Trade Me e.g. 581641940 |
string |
ExternalOfferID |
The Trade Me fixed-price-offer ID if this order came from a Trade Me FPO e.g. 2434 |
string |
ShopifyOrganisationID |
The internal identifier of this Shopify account in Tradevine if this order came from Shopify e.g. 34514604434236363 |
integer |
ShopifyOrderID |
The internal order ID from Shopify if this order came from Shopify e.g. 654467 |
integer |
ShopifyOrderNumber |
The more user friendly identifier for the order in Shopify e.g. #1001 |
string |
ShopifyOrderStatus |
The status of the order in Shopify |
string |
CustomerBillingAddressID |
The internal identifier of the customer's billing address in Tradevine e.g. 3451460547437456 |
integer |
CustomerShippingAddressID |
The internal identifier of the customer's shipping address in Tradevine e.g. 3451460547437456 |
integer |
RecipientName |
he name of the recipient of the shipment (could be different from the person who bought the item) e.g. Sam Jenkins |
string |
TermsOfTrade |
The payment terms lookup value |
integer |
PaymentDueDate |
The date/time (in UTC) that payment is due |
date |
IsPaymentReceived |
Has payment been received for this order |
boolean |
PaymentDate |
The date/time (in UTC) that payment was received |
date |
ManualApprovalNeeded |
Is manual approval a pre-requisite for transitioning this order from Pending to Awaiting Shipment |
boolean |
IsManuallyApproved |
Has the order been manually approved (only relevant if manual approval is needed) |
boolean |
PaymentType |
The payment type lookup value |
integer |
PaymentReference |
The optional reference made with the payment |
string |
ShipmentType |
The shipment type lookup value |
integer |
RequestedShippingDate |
The date/time (in UTC) that shipping is requested |
date |
Currency |
The order currency lookup value |
integer |
ApplyTaxes |
Whether tax is applicable for this order (defaulted according to seller tax-status and buyer billing address location) |
boolean |
TotalsTaxInclusive |
Whether totals include tax |
boolean |
TotalCost |
The total cost value of the order (excluding tax) |
decimal number |
TotalCostExShipping |
The total cost value of the order minus costs for shipping (excluding tax) |
decimal number |
GrossProfit |
The total gross profit value of the order |
decimal number |
GrossProfitExShipping |
The total gross profit value of the order minus any p/l for shipping |
decimal number |
GrossMarginPercent |
The total gross margin percent value of the order |
decimal number |
GrossMarginPercentExShipping |
The total gross margin percent value of the order excluding shipping margin |
decimal number |
AverageMarkupPercent |
The average mark-up percent of the order |
decimal number |
AverageMarkupPercentExShipping |
The average mark-up percent of the order excluding shipping mark-up |
decimal number |
SubTotal |
The sub-total of the order (excluding taxes) |
decimal number |
TotalDiscount |
The total discount of the order (including or excluding tax depending on TotalsTaxInclusive value) |
decimal number |
SubTotalExShipping |
The sub-total of the order (excluding taxes and shipping) |
decimal number |
SubTotalApplicableTaxes |
The sub total of all tax values for the order |
decimal number |
GrandTotal |
The overall order total to be paid |
decimal number |
GrandTotalExShipping |
The overall order total excluding shipping |
decimal number |
InternalNotes |
Private notes associated with the order |
string |
ExternalNotes |
Public notes associated with the order - if this was from Trade Me the any message the buyer sends will be saved here |
string |
CompletedDate |
The date/time (in UTC) that the order moved to the Completed status |
date |
AccountingInvoiceID |
The internal Xero invoice identifier if integrated with Xero and an invoice has been sent through |
string |
AccountingPaymentID |
The internal Xero payment identifier if integrated with Xero and the invoice has been paid |
string |
AccountingCreditNoteID |
The internal Xero credit note identifier if integrated with Xero and the invoice has been credited |
string |
AccountingIsPaid |
Whether the invoice has been paid according to Xero if integrated with Xero |
boolean |
AccountingIsVoided |
Whether the invoice has been voided according to Xero if integrated with Xero |
boolean |
AccountingInvoiceDate |
The date/time (in UTC) of the invoice according to Xero (Tradevine re-dates the invoice daily until payment is received) |
date |
TradeMePayNowCommissionTotal |
If this order came from Trade Me and was a Pay Now listing then this is the commission payable to Trade Me |
decimal number |
IsChaserEmailsDisabled |
Order level override for whether chaser emails are sent to the buyer if payment and/or delivery address is not received |
boolean |
CreatedDate |
The date and time (in UTC) that the order was created |
date |
CreatedBy |
The internal Tradevine ID of the user that created the order |
integer |
ModifiedDate |
The date and time (in UTC) that the order was last modified |
date |
ModifiedBy |
The internal Tradevine ID of the user that last modified the order |
integer |
ExternalPurchaseID | integer | |
WarehouseID | integer | |
WarehouseCode | string | |
ExternalClientData |
A field for API clients to store any data relevant to them e.g. JSON. Tradevine will not modify this data but merely pass it through. Max 500 chars. |
string |
SuccessFees |
Total success fees if this sales order was a result of a Trade Me sale |
decimal number |
PaymentFees |
Total payment fees if this sales order was a result of a Trade Me sale i.e. Ping or Afterpay commission |
decimal number |
Customer | Customer | |
BillingAddress | Address | |
ShippingAddress | Address | |
PackLists | Collection of PackList | |
SalesOrderLines | Collection of SalesOrderLine | |
Labels | Collection of string |
Request Formats
{ "SalesOrderID": 3499949973482688249, "OrganisationID": 3479979772659009354, "CustomerID": 3479979797192009324, "OrderNumber": "SO1", "OrderOrigin": 3000, "CustomerOrderReference": null, "Status": 12002, "IsCompletedWithCancellations": false, "TradeMeOrganisationID": null, "ExternalListingID": null, "ExternalOfferID": null, "ShopifyOrganisationID": null, "ShopifyOrderID": null, "ShopifyOrderNumber": null, "ShopifyOrderStatus": null, "CustomerBillingAddressID": 3479979797203946031, "CustomerShippingAddressID": null, "RecipientName": "Belinda Zingaberger", "TermsOfTrade": 4000, "PaymentDueDate": "2013-03-25T22:00:00Z", "IsPaymentReceived": true, "PaymentDate": "2013-03-26T23:02:50Z", "ManualApprovalNeeded": false, "IsManuallyApproved": false, "PaymentType": 26001, "PaymentReference": null, "ShipmentType": 25001, "RequestedShippingDate": "2013-03-27T21:12:50Z", "Currency": 10109, "ApplyTaxes": true, "TotalsTaxInclusive": true, "TotalCost": 270.6, "TotalCostExShipping": 270.6, "GrossProfit": 262.23, "GrossProfitExShipping": 262.23, "GrossMarginPercent": 49.21, "GrossMarginPercentExShipping": 49.21, "AverageMarkupPercent": 96.91, "AverageMarkupPercentExShipping": 96.91, "SubTotal": 532.83, "TotalDiscount": 0.0, "SubTotalExShipping": 532.83, "SubTotalApplicableTaxes": 79.92, "GrandTotal": 612.75, "GrandTotalExShipping": 612.75, "InternalNotes": null, "ExternalNotes": null, "CompletedDate": null, "AccountingInvoiceID": null, "AccountingPaymentID": null, "AccountingCreditNoteID": null, "AccountingIsPaid": null, "AccountingIsVoided": null, "AccountingInvoiceDate": null, "TradeMePayNowCommissionTotal": null, "IsChaserEmailsDisabled": false, "CreatedDate": "2013-03-26T21:12:50Z", "CreatedBy": 3479979772662022396, "ModifiedDate": "2013-03-26T21:12:50Z", "ModifiedBy": 3479979772662022396, "ExternalPurchaseID": null, "WarehouseID": null, "WarehouseCode": null, "ExternalClientData": null, "SuccessFees": null, "PaymentFees": null, "Customer": { "CustomerID": 3479979797192009324, "OrganisationID": 3479979772659009354, "CustomerCode": "CU4", "DefaultTermsOfTrade": 4000, "FirstName": "Belinda", "LastName": "Zingaberga", "Email": "", "MobileNumber": "0394444002", "PhoneNumber": "224444002", "TaxNumber": "111-222-002", "TrafficLight": 13003, "Notes": null, "DefaultBillingAddressID": 3479979797203946031, "DefaultShippingAddressID": 3479979797203946031, "AccountingContactID": "880DE148-4C36-445D-8A97-017B025C81D5", "AccountingContactParentID": "231431", "TradeMeMemberID": "34143", "TradeMeMemberName": "jimmy56", "CreatedDate": "2012-08-06T22:12:50Z", "CreatedBy": 1, "ModifiedDate": "2012-08-06T22:12:50Z", "ModifiedBy": 1, "Addresss": null, "SalesOrders": null }, "BillingAddress": { "AddressID": 3517903675269621331, "OrganisationID": 3517903653175081162, "CustomerID": 3517903675259250625, "SupplierID": null, "AddressLine1": "26 Sunny Street", "AddressLine2": "Suburbia", "AddressLine3": null, "TownCity": "Christchurch", "RegionState": 60162, "PostalCode": "8054", "Country": 8157, "DeliveryNotes": "Come around to side door", "CreatedDate": "2011-08-06T21:12:50Z", "CreatedBy": 1, "ModifiedDate": "2011-08-06T21:12:50Z", "ModifiedBy": 3517903653179089883, "CountryCode": null }, "ShippingAddress": { "AddressID": 3517903675269621331, "OrganisationID": 3517903653175081162, "CustomerID": 3517903675259250625, "SupplierID": null, "AddressLine1": "26 Sunny Street", "AddressLine2": "Suburbia", "AddressLine3": null, "TownCity": "Christchurch", "RegionState": 60162, "PostalCode": "8054", "Country": 8157, "DeliveryNotes": "Come around to side door", "CreatedDate": "2011-08-06T21:12:50Z", "CreatedBy": 1, "ModifiedDate": "2011-08-06T21:12:50Z", "ModifiedBy": 3517903653179089883, "CountryCode": null }, "PackLists": [ { "PackListID": 3499949989966809945, "OrganisationID": 3479979772659009354, "SalesOrderID": 3499949973482688249, "Status": 14001, "PackListNumber": "SO1/1", "ShipmentType": 25001, "CustomerShippingAddressID": null, "RequestedShippingDate": "2013-03-27T21:12:50Z", "ShippedDate": null, "Courier": null, "TrackingReference": null, "TrackingReference2": null, "DeliveryNotes": null, "PrintedDate": null, "IsInvoiceEmailed": null, "IsInvoicePrinted": null, "IsPackSlipEmailed": null, "IsPackSlipPrinted": null, "AccountingJournalID": null, "CreatedDate": "2013-03-25T22:00:00Z", "CreatedBy": 3479979772662022396, "ModifiedDate": "2013-03-25T22:00:00Z", "ModifiedBy": 3479979772662022396, "WarehouseID": null, "CourierCompanyName": null, "ExternalClientData": null, "PackListItems": [ { "PackListItemID": null, "ProductID": 3479979772717738483, "Code": null, "Name": null, "Barcode": null, "PhotoIdentifier": null, "TrafficLight": null, "TotalStock": null, "WarehouseStock": null, "QuantityRequested": null, "QuantityPacked": null, "QuantityBackOrder": null, "LineNumber": null, "CostPriceFIFO": null } ], "QueueInventorySummaryUpdates": false, "ConfirmOptions": null, "WarehouseCode": null } ], "SalesOrderLines": [ { "SalesOrderLineID": 3499949973485895200, "ProductID": 3479979772717738483, "Code": null, "Name": null, "Barcode": null, "LineNumber": 1, "Quantity": 1.0, "CostPrice": 33.8, "SellPrice": 56.75, "SellPriceExTax": 49.35, "SellPriceIncTax": 56.75, "TaxClassID": 3479979772669744181, "TaxCode": "GST", "TaxRate": 15.0, "TaxTotal": 7.4, "LineTotal": 56.75, "LineNotes": null, "TargetWarehouseID": null } ], "Labels": null }
Response Information
Resource Description
Name | Description | Type |
SalesOrderID |
The unique internal identifier of each sales order in Tradevine e.g. 34515829112475466365 |
integer |
OrganisationID |
The internal identifier of this organisation in Tradevine e.g. 3451460443781171981 |
integer |
CustomerID |
The unique internal identifier of each customer in Tradevine e.g. 34515829112467586585 |
integer |
OrderNumber |
The more user friendly identifier for the order (normally auto-generated using your auto-numbering settings) e.g. SO453 |
string |
OrderOrigin |
The origin lookup value |
integer |
CustomerOrderReference |
The reference that the buyer for this sales order will have i.e. for Trade Me orders this will be the purchase ID e.g. P54645, for Shopify orders it will be the order number #1001 |
string |
Status |
The order status lookup value |
integer |
IsCompletedWithCancellations |
Indicates if shipments were partially completed with no back-orders i.e. the full order quantity was not shipped |
boolean |
TradeMeOrganisationID |
The internal identifier of this Trade Me account in Tradevine if this order came from Trade Me e.g. 345146044378132553 |
integer |
ExternalListingID |
The Trade Me listing ID if this order came from Trade Me e.g. 581641940 |
string |
ExternalOfferID |
The Trade Me fixed-price-offer ID if this order came from a Trade Me FPO e.g. 2434 |
string |
ShopifyOrganisationID |
The internal identifier of this Shopify account in Tradevine if this order came from Shopify e.g. 34514604434236363 |
integer |
ShopifyOrderID |
The internal order ID from Shopify if this order came from Shopify e.g. 654467 |
integer |
ShopifyOrderNumber |
The more user friendly identifier for the order in Shopify e.g. #1001 |
string |
ShopifyOrderStatus |
The status of the order in Shopify |
string |
CustomerBillingAddressID |
The internal identifier of the customer's billing address in Tradevine e.g. 3451460547437456 |
integer |
CustomerShippingAddressID |
The internal identifier of the customer's shipping address in Tradevine e.g. 3451460547437456 |
integer |
RecipientName |
he name of the recipient of the shipment (could be different from the person who bought the item) e.g. Sam Jenkins |
string |
TermsOfTrade |
The payment terms lookup value |
integer |
PaymentDueDate |
The date/time (in UTC) that payment is due |
date |
IsPaymentReceived |
Has payment been received for this order |
boolean |
PaymentDate |
The date/time (in UTC) that payment was received |
date |
ManualApprovalNeeded |
Is manual approval a pre-requisite for transitioning this order from Pending to Awaiting Shipment |
boolean |
IsManuallyApproved |
Has the order been manually approved (only relevant if manual approval is needed) |
boolean |
PaymentType |
The payment type lookup value |
integer |
PaymentReference |
The optional reference made with the payment |
string |
ShipmentType |
The shipment type lookup value |
integer |
RequestedShippingDate |
The date/time (in UTC) that shipping is requested |
date |
Currency |
The order currency lookup value |
integer |
ApplyTaxes |
Whether tax is applicable for this order (defaulted according to seller tax-status and buyer billing address location) |
boolean |
TotalsTaxInclusive |
Whether totals include tax |
boolean |
TotalCost |
The total cost value of the order (excluding tax) |
decimal number |
TotalCostExShipping |
The total cost value of the order minus costs for shipping (excluding tax) |
decimal number |
GrossProfit |
The total gross profit value of the order |
decimal number |
GrossProfitExShipping |
The total gross profit value of the order minus any p/l for shipping |
decimal number |
GrossMarginPercent |
The total gross margin percent value of the order |
decimal number |
GrossMarginPercentExShipping |
The total gross margin percent value of the order excluding shipping margin |
decimal number |
AverageMarkupPercent |
The average mark-up percent of the order |
decimal number |
AverageMarkupPercentExShipping |
The average mark-up percent of the order excluding shipping mark-up |
decimal number |
SubTotal |
The sub-total of the order (excluding taxes) |
decimal number |
TotalDiscount |
The total discount of the order (including or excluding tax depending on TotalsTaxInclusive value) |
decimal number |
SubTotalExShipping |
The sub-total of the order (excluding taxes and shipping) |
decimal number |
SubTotalApplicableTaxes |
The sub total of all tax values for the order |
decimal number |
GrandTotal |
The overall order total to be paid |
decimal number |
GrandTotalExShipping |
The overall order total excluding shipping |
decimal number |
InternalNotes |
Private notes associated with the order |
string |
ExternalNotes |
Public notes associated with the order - if this was from Trade Me the any message the buyer sends will be saved here |
string |
CompletedDate |
The date/time (in UTC) that the order moved to the Completed status |
date |
AccountingInvoiceID |
The internal Xero invoice identifier if integrated with Xero and an invoice has been sent through |
string |
AccountingPaymentID |
The internal Xero payment identifier if integrated with Xero and the invoice has been paid |
string |
AccountingCreditNoteID |
The internal Xero credit note identifier if integrated with Xero and the invoice has been credited |
string |
AccountingIsPaid |
Whether the invoice has been paid according to Xero if integrated with Xero |
boolean |
AccountingIsVoided |
Whether the invoice has been voided according to Xero if integrated with Xero |
boolean |
AccountingInvoiceDate |
The date/time (in UTC) of the invoice according to Xero (Tradevine re-dates the invoice daily until payment is received) |
date |
TradeMePayNowCommissionTotal |
If this order came from Trade Me and was a Pay Now listing then this is the commission payable to Trade Me |
decimal number |
IsChaserEmailsDisabled |
Order level override for whether chaser emails are sent to the buyer if payment and/or delivery address is not received |
boolean |
CreatedDate |
The date and time (in UTC) that the order was created |
date |
CreatedBy |
The internal Tradevine ID of the user that created the order |
integer |
ModifiedDate |
The date and time (in UTC) that the order was last modified |
date |
ModifiedBy |
The internal Tradevine ID of the user that last modified the order |
integer |
ExternalPurchaseID | integer | |
WarehouseID | integer | |
WarehouseCode | string | |
ExternalClientData |
A field for API clients to store any data relevant to them e.g. JSON. Tradevine will not modify this data but merely pass it through. Max 500 chars. |
string |
SuccessFees |
Total success fees if this sales order was a result of a Trade Me sale |
decimal number |
PaymentFees |
Total payment fees if this sales order was a result of a Trade Me sale i.e. Ping or Afterpay commission |
decimal number |
Customer | Customer | |
BillingAddress | Address | |
ShippingAddress | Address | |
PackLists | Collection of PackList | |
SalesOrderLines | Collection of SalesOrderLine | |
Labels | Collection of string |
Response Formats
{ "SalesOrderID": 3499949973482688249, "OrganisationID": 3479979772659009354, "CustomerID": 3479979797192009324, "OrderNumber": "SO1", "OrderOrigin": 3000, "CustomerOrderReference": null, "Status": 12002, "IsCompletedWithCancellations": false, "TradeMeOrganisationID": null, "ExternalListingID": null, "ExternalOfferID": null, "ShopifyOrganisationID": null, "ShopifyOrderID": null, "ShopifyOrderNumber": null, "ShopifyOrderStatus": null, "CustomerBillingAddressID": 3479979797203946031, "CustomerShippingAddressID": null, "RecipientName": "Belinda Zingaberger", "TermsOfTrade": 4000, "PaymentDueDate": "2013-03-25T22:00:00Z", "IsPaymentReceived": true, "PaymentDate": "2013-03-26T23:02:50Z", "ManualApprovalNeeded": false, "IsManuallyApproved": false, "PaymentType": 26001, "PaymentReference": null, "ShipmentType": 25001, "RequestedShippingDate": "2013-03-27T21:12:50Z", "Currency": 10109, "ApplyTaxes": true, "TotalsTaxInclusive": true, "TotalCost": 270.6, "TotalCostExShipping": 270.6, "GrossProfit": 262.23, "GrossProfitExShipping": 262.23, "GrossMarginPercent": 49.21, "GrossMarginPercentExShipping": 49.21, "AverageMarkupPercent": 96.91, "AverageMarkupPercentExShipping": 96.91, "SubTotal": 532.83, "TotalDiscount": 0.0, "SubTotalExShipping": 532.83, "SubTotalApplicableTaxes": 79.92, "GrandTotal": 612.75, "GrandTotalExShipping": 612.75, "InternalNotes": null, "ExternalNotes": null, "CompletedDate": null, "AccountingInvoiceID": null, "AccountingPaymentID": null, "AccountingCreditNoteID": null, "AccountingIsPaid": null, "AccountingIsVoided": null, "AccountingInvoiceDate": null, "TradeMePayNowCommissionTotal": null, "IsChaserEmailsDisabled": false, "CreatedDate": "2013-03-26T21:12:50Z", "CreatedBy": 3479979772662022396, "ModifiedDate": "2013-03-26T21:12:50Z", "ModifiedBy": 3479979772662022396, "ExternalPurchaseID": null, "WarehouseID": null, "WarehouseCode": null, "ExternalClientData": null, "SuccessFees": null, "PaymentFees": null, "Customer": { "CustomerID": 3479979797192009324, "OrganisationID": 3479979772659009354, "CustomerCode": "CU4", "DefaultTermsOfTrade": 4000, "FirstName": "Belinda", "LastName": "Zingaberga", "Email": "", "MobileNumber": "0394444002", "PhoneNumber": "224444002", "TaxNumber": "111-222-002", "TrafficLight": 13003, "Notes": null, "DefaultBillingAddressID": 3479979797203946031, "DefaultShippingAddressID": 3479979797203946031, "AccountingContactID": "880DE148-4C36-445D-8A97-017B025C81D5", "AccountingContactParentID": "231431", "TradeMeMemberID": "34143", "TradeMeMemberName": "jimmy56", "CreatedDate": "2012-08-06T22:12:50Z", "CreatedBy": 1, "ModifiedDate": "2012-08-06T22:12:50Z", "ModifiedBy": 1, "Addresss": null, "SalesOrders": null }, "BillingAddress": { "AddressID": 3517903675269621331, "OrganisationID": 3517903653175081162, "CustomerID": 3517903675259250625, "SupplierID": null, "AddressLine1": "26 Sunny Street", "AddressLine2": "Suburbia", "AddressLine3": null, "TownCity": "Christchurch", "RegionState": 60162, "PostalCode": "8054", "Country": 8157, "DeliveryNotes": "Come around to side door", "CreatedDate": "2011-08-06T21:12:50Z", "CreatedBy": 1, "ModifiedDate": "2011-08-06T21:12:50Z", "ModifiedBy": 3517903653179089883, "CountryCode": null }, "ShippingAddress": { "AddressID": 3517903675269621331, "OrganisationID": 3517903653175081162, "CustomerID": 3517903675259250625, "SupplierID": null, "AddressLine1": "26 Sunny Street", "AddressLine2": "Suburbia", "AddressLine3": null, "TownCity": "Christchurch", "RegionState": 60162, "PostalCode": "8054", "Country": 8157, "DeliveryNotes": "Come around to side door", "CreatedDate": "2011-08-06T21:12:50Z", "CreatedBy": 1, "ModifiedDate": "2011-08-06T21:12:50Z", "ModifiedBy": 3517903653179089883, "CountryCode": null }, "PackLists": [ { "PackListID": 3499949989966809945, "OrganisationID": 3479979772659009354, "SalesOrderID": 3499949973482688249, "Status": 14001, "PackListNumber": "SO1/1", "ShipmentType": 25001, "CustomerShippingAddressID": null, "RequestedShippingDate": "2013-03-27T21:12:50Z", "ShippedDate": null, "Courier": null, "TrackingReference": null, "TrackingReference2": null, "DeliveryNotes": null, "PrintedDate": null, "IsInvoiceEmailed": null, "IsInvoicePrinted": null, "IsPackSlipEmailed": null, "IsPackSlipPrinted": null, "AccountingJournalID": null, "CreatedDate": "2013-03-25T22:00:00Z", "CreatedBy": 3479979772662022396, "ModifiedDate": "2013-03-25T22:00:00Z", "ModifiedBy": 3479979772662022396, "WarehouseID": null, "CourierCompanyName": null, "ExternalClientData": null, "PackListItems": [ { "PackListItemID": null, "ProductID": 3479979772717738483, "Code": null, "Name": null, "Barcode": null, "PhotoIdentifier": null, "TrafficLight": null, "TotalStock": null, "WarehouseStock": null, "QuantityRequested": null, "QuantityPacked": null, "QuantityBackOrder": null, "LineNumber": null, "CostPriceFIFO": null } ], "QueueInventorySummaryUpdates": false, "ConfirmOptions": null, "WarehouseCode": null } ], "SalesOrderLines": [ { "SalesOrderLineID": 3499949973485895200, "ProductID": 3479979772717738483, "Code": null, "Name": null, "Barcode": null, "LineNumber": 1, "Quantity": 1.0, "CostPrice": 33.8, "SellPrice": 56.75, "SellPriceExTax": 49.35, "SellPriceIncTax": 56.75, "TaxClassID": 3479979772669744181, "TaxCode": "GST", "TaxRate": 15.0, "TaxTotal": 7.4, "LineTotal": 56.75, "LineNotes": null, "TargetWarehouseID": null } ], "Labels": null }