GET v1/PackList/{id}
Retrieves a shipment
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id |
The unique internal identifier of the shipment in Tradevine e.g. 3451582911567846854 |
integer |
Optional |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
The pack list data from the Tradevine database
Name | Description | Type |
PackListID |
The unique internal identifier of the shipment in Tradevine e.g. 3451582911567846854 |
integer |
OrganisationID |
he internal identifier of this organisation in Tradevine e.g. 3451460443781171981 |
integer |
SalesOrderID |
The unique internal identifier of each sales order in Tradevine e.g. 34515829112475466365 |
integer |
Status |
The shipment's status lookup value |
integer |
PackListNumber |
The more user friendly identifier for the shipment (normally auto-generated using your auto-numbering settings) e.g. SO453/1 |
string |
ShipmentType |
The shipment's shipment type lookup value |
integer |
CustomerShippingAddressID | integer | |
RequestedShippingDate |
The date/time (in UTC) that the shipment was requested to be shipped |
date |
ShippedDate |
The date/time (in UTC) that the shipment was confirmed i.e. shipped |
date |
Courier |
The shipment's courier lookup value |
integer |
TrackingReference |
The optional external courier tracking reference |
string |
TrackingReference2 |
The optional second external courier tracking reference |
string |
DeliveryNotes |
Any notes to be saved against the shipment |
string |
PrintedDate |
The date/time (in UTC) that the pick-list document for this shipment was printed |
date |
IsInvoiceEmailed |
Whether this shipment had its PDF invoice emailed to the buyer |
boolean |
IsInvoicePrinted |
Whether this shipment had its PDF invoice printed for packing into the shipment to the buyer |
boolean |
IsPackSlipEmailed |
Whether this shipment had its PDF pack-slip emailed to the buyer |
boolean |
IsPackSlipPrinted |
Whether this shipment had its PDF packing-slip printed for packing into the shipment to the buyer |
boolean |
AccountingJournalID |
If Xero is integrated, this is the ID of the manual journal created when the shipment was confirmed e.g. 1EC6091E-8B8F-4959-9B5C-D5CDCE659D6F |
string |
CreatedDate |
The date and time (in UTC) that the shipment was created |
date |
CreatedBy |
The internal Tradevine ID of the user that created the shipment |
integer |
ModifiedDate |
The date and time (in UTC) that the shipment was last modified |
date |
ModifiedBy |
The internal Tradevine ID of the user that last modified the shipment |
integer |
WarehouseID |
Internal Tradevine ID of warehouse allocated for shipment |
integer |
CourierCompanyName |
The name of the courier company when the Courier field is 70028 (User Supplied). |
string |
ExternalClientData |
A field for API clients to store any data relevant to them e.g. JSON. Tradevine will not modify this data but merely pass it through. Max 500 chars. |
string |
PackListItems |
The individual items that are part of this pack list |
Collection of PackListItem |
QueueInventorySummaryUpdates |
For some products like BoMs or BoM components, these updates can take a few seconds so this option queues them to be done asynchronously |
boolean |
ConfirmOptions |
The confirmation options for this shipment |
ConfirmOptions |
WarehouseCode |
Code for warehouse allocated for shipment |
string |
Response Formats
{ "PackListID": 3500531279205359208, "OrganisationID": null, "SalesOrderID": null, "Status": 14002, "PackListNumber": null, "ShipmentType": null, "CustomerShippingAddressID": null, "RequestedShippingDate": null, "ShippedDate": null, "Courier": 70003, "TrackingReference": "COUREF1234", "TrackingReference2": null, "DeliveryNotes": "Side entrance please", "PrintedDate": null, "IsInvoiceEmailed": null, "IsInvoicePrinted": null, "IsPackSlipEmailed": null, "IsPackSlipPrinted": null, "AccountingJournalID": null, "CreatedDate": null, "CreatedBy": null, "ModifiedDate": null, "ModifiedBy": null, "ConfirmOptions": null, "WarehouseID": null, "WarehouseCode": null, "CourierCompanyName": null, "ExternalClientData": null, "QueueInventorySummaryUpdates": false, "PackListItems": [ { "PackListItemID": 3500531279205274845, "ProductID": null, "Code": null, "Name": null, "Barcode": null, "LineNumber": null, "QuantityRequested": 14.0, "QuantityPacked": 14.0, "QuantityBackOrder": 0.0, "CostPriceFIFO": null, "PhotoIdentifier": null, "TrafficLight": null, "TotalStock": null, "WarehouseStock": null } ] }